About Montgomery & Son Sales in Gull Lake, SK

Montgomery & Son Guides Gull Lake Off the Beaten Path

(by Rebecca Schneidereit)

Corey Lamarre and Jack Montgomery have shared a solid decade of friendship – but it’s only in recent years that that friendship led to a professional opportunity. “Jack and [his son] Roy Montgomery knew I’d sold my previous business, and was looking for something different,” Lamarre recounts. “One day, they called me about selling Montgomery & Son.”

As of 2012, Lamarre is Montgomery & Son’s sole owner, yet his enduring respect for the company’s three-decade legacy is clear. He’s retained not only the business’ name, but also its unique farmstead setting off Highway 1, appreciating the attention to customers which a rural environment permits: “in the city, sometimes, you’re just a number. Here, it’s more personal.”

And of course, Lamarre has enthusiastically retained Montgomery & Son’s flagship manufacturer, Polaris. In fact, Montgomery & Son offers Polaris exclusively; Lamarre praises the brand’s high calibre merchandise (“Polaris has been the leader in innovation and ingenuity for years”) and its universality. “We’ve had 12-year-olds buy bikes from us; we’ve also had 80-year-old married couples looking for side-by-sides for their acreage, ranch, or farm.”

On any given day, Montgomery & Son’s visitors can peruse some 70 new Polaris models onsite, alongside assorted pre-owned designs. Lamarre is often on the grounds in person, able to provide assistance to those finding their “perfect fit”. “We encourage test driving,” he says. “If you want to spend hours driving everything, you’re welcome to.” However, Lamarre does note that Montgomery & Son’s customers -- “a good 85% farming, ranching, and oil patch people”– are often close to a decision when they arrive.

A recent hit with customers, says Lamarre, is the side by side dubbed the “RANGER”. Capable of accommodating a trio of passengers, the RANGER “is basically a little truck,” says Lamarre. “We can add windshields, windshield wipers, cab units, heated seats, heaters – the only thing we don’t offer is air conditioning.” Another hot design, he continues, “is the ‘Sportsman 570’ quad. It’s a workhorse – the best value for your dollar there is.”

The “ACE” model, says Lamarre, is Montgomery & Son’s most recent addition. “It’s perfectly geared for kids 12 years and older, and for mature riders who prefer not to lift their leg over the seat.” Snowmobiles are also kept in stock; Lamarre says “mountain”-style varieties have proved especially attractive to customers, estimating that “80% of the snowmobiles we sell are mountain snowmobiles.”

In addition to new and pre-owned quads, side by sides and snowmobiles, clients can check out Montgomery & Son’s collection of riders’ apparel, accessories and parts. “We carry close to a million dollars in parts and inventory,” Lamarre says. “We pride ourselves on fixing units as quickly as possible.” That often entails less than a week’s wait, he notes: “sometimes it’s the same day.” And all new vehicles – quads, side by sides and snowmobiles alike – are warranty-protected.

Since arriving at Montgomery & Son, Lamarre has incorporated Polaris electrical generator models. “They’re one of the quietest generators on the market, and they’re very economically priced.” Once warmer weather rolls in, he’ll be turning his attentions to the premises themselves. “The business is growing. To accommodate that, we need a larger facility.” Clearly, like his customers, Corey Lamarre enjoys blazing new trails.

Montgomery & Son was proud to be a sponsor at the 

2014 Maple Creek Cowtown Pro-Rodeo

Montgomery & Son is conveniently located near the areas of Swift Current, Medicine Hat, and Moose Jaw Saskatchewan.